Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Game on!

Good morning from London. I will do a quick post for those whom will be looking (and it seems like a lot are on here).

The next five days are going to be filled with excitement for Canada Wrestling and our community. I wanted to take the time to thank all the well wishers, supporters, volunteers, coaches, parents and anyone else vested in this performance in London! We have Carol and Martine competing today, Tonya and Leah weighing in, and Matt Gentry and David Trembley arriving Nido.

On the women's side, these four women competing in the Olympic competition are the tip of a great big ice berg. I want all the athletes in the national team program to know how much I appreciate the way they train, compete and pursue their goals on a daily basis. It is really nice to come to the Olympic games and feel very appreciated and respected as part of the bigger Canadian sport community. We all know wrestling is an amazing sport... walking out onto the mat to compete successfully for our country takes self reliant and strong individuals with tremendous character. This character is built day in and day out with your commitment to follow a tough training program, push your limits, and fight through adversity.  In the end "this character" will be your reward, over and above any medal or recognition you might get!  Our team is filled with great wrestlers but most importantly, we have great people! I am extremely proud of the national teams past, present, and am very optimistic about the future too!

Sit back and enjoy the action today! Thank you for all of the good luck wishes (I hope we don't need luck, but I will never say I wont appreciate a little...). The day is here and regardless of outcome I hope Carol, Tonya, Martine, and Leah leave their competition satisfied with the way they wrestled and satisfied with everything that they did along the way to prepare for this day (I know I am)!

All the best!
Go Canada!
Coach V

p.s. Special shout out to the party at the Riverstone Pub in Calgary! I know it sounds silly, but I really wish I was there watching the competition with all of you! Have a blast... Gino Thanks again!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks both of you for taking the time to update the blog after such an exciting/tiring day!! I'm sure there are many out there like me that would love to be in that arena cheering on our Canadian wrestlers and being able to hear from you via the blog is awesome. I have always said that wrestling is one of the BEST team sports and you all are once again proving that!!! Looking forward to gathering at the pub tomorrow am to cheer on Leah and Tonya..Go CANADA!!!
