Thursday, September 17, 2009


For those of you hungry to watch some of the World Championships first hand, there is a post on regarding live webcasting of the tournament. Although I believe a lot of the coverage will likely focus on the US team. Details are on that website.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea Leigh.

    The first of our women's team depart from across Canada today arriving in Denmark tomorrow. Lindsay Rushton, Justine Bouchard, Jessica MacDonald (Bondy)and Tonya Verbeek are in today's group, with Katy Patroch and Ohenawa Akuffo arriving the following day and Martine Dugrenier on Monday.

    The men's team of Saeed Azarbayjani, John Penada, Haislan Garcia, Travis Cross, Evan MacDonald, Khetag Pliev and Arjan Bhullar have already arrived in Herning to prepare for the men's event beginning on Monday.

    The support team include coaches Vierlng, McKay, Hinds, Zilberman, Abdou, Tzogas and Mair. Our medical staff includes Michael Nicholls, Surinder Bhudwal, and Rick Tkach.

    Officiating at the World Championships is Lee MacKay.

    John Dawson
    Team Manager
